Selected Teachings of Reb YaNYaL

Copyright Universal Sabbatian Church 2007
Torah Discussion

“God called my name, and I fled. He let me be, and I sought Him out. God is the flame and I the fascinated moth. Understand that I am nobody special. Other than my faith, I have very little, and I know next to nothing. And yet, by some incredible miracle, God in His supreme mercy has granted me a gift. He has allowed me to descend into the depths of myself. And there, in the darkness of the abyss, I feel the throb of the power that sustains the universe. The All from Above finds me, and I weep with joy to know that I, like everything else, am nothing.” – Reb YaNYaL

Rebbe Yahoshua Nesher ben Yakov Leib (YaNYaL) has spent most of his life in pursuit of the knowledge of God and the mysteries of human existence. After more than three years of intensive daily study and practice under Reb Yakov Leib HaKohain (YaLHaK) in Neo-Sabbatian Kabbalah, he was ordained to teach and preach in accordance with God’s Will. Collected here are a representative selection of Reb YaNYaL’s written essays on various mystical topics, including Lurianic cosmogony, Sabbatian antinomianism, Hasidic teachings, Jungian spiritual principles, Native American religion and values, and comparative religion. If you enjoy these essays, and they touch something that until now has lain dormant in your heart, awakening it, we invite you to join our congregation of like-minded individuals and to help us repair God, the world and mankind.

Index of Essays on this Website

Check back often as we continue to add essays as they are formatted for the Web

Topic or Series Title of Essay or Lecture Date of Original Publication Availability
The Mitzvot of Love, Part 1 "God or Man?"
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The Mitzvot of Love, Part 2a "Attachment"
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The Mitzvot of Love, Part 2b "The Descent of God into the World"
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The Mitzvot of Love, Part 2c "The Abundance of God's Blessing"
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The Mitzvot of Love, Part 2d "Where Does God Dwell?"
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The Mitzvot of Love, Part 2e "Where Does God Dwell? - Cont."
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Native American Religion & Kabbalah "The Path of Doubt"
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Native American Religion & Kabbalah "Your Path Will Become More Difficult"
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Native American Religion & Kabbalah "The Maninkari & The Nitzotzot"
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